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Booklet about the beaver (in Croatian)
Beaver spotting guide (in Slovene)

We have prepared a guide for observing beavers. You can view and download it here. Always be considerate and responsible when observing nature and animals. We wish you many nice experiences and new insights into these amazing ecosystem engineers 🙂

Beaver info boards

During the project, we will set up 6 information tables about the beaver and its role in the ecosystem. So far, we have put up 3 boards, namely in the Gornji Petrovci municipality, Kostel municipality and in the Kozjansko regional park.

Beaver info board in front of the primary school and kindergarten in Fara, Kostel municipality.

LIFE BEAVER project poster

Representatives of the Lutra Institute and the Croatian partners of the LIFE BEAVER project took part in an international symposium on beavers in Brasov, Romania, between September 18th and 22nd 2022. At the conference, we presented our work with a poster.

LIFE BEAVER promo materials

In the winter of 2024, the applicants of the project (Lutra Institute) had some new promotional materials produced: beaver T-shirts, pocket knives, notebooks with wooden covers, wooden pens with a ruler, canvas bags and USB keys.

beaver T-shirt

pocket knife

USB key


wooden pen with a ruler

canvas bag

Croatian partners have also got various promo materials: 200 T-shirts, 200 writing pads and pens, 50 caps and 50 cotton bags, everything in a beautiful green color.

LIFE BEAVER paper bags

In 2022, we got paper bags with project logo.


Here, we present to you our new LIFE BEAVER T-shirts! Do you like them?

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Visual identity of LIFE BEAVER project

The creator of visual identity of the project is Zvone Kosovelj.

Life notice boards

The collection of logos of finalised and ongoing projects undertaken by Institute LUTRA hanging on the wall within the AQUALUTRA Otter centre was enriched by another addition of LIFE BEAVER project logo. LIFE notice boards are also installed at the premises of partner organisations: Fakultet šumarstva i drvene tehnologije, Muzeja Ivanić-Grad and Gozdarski inštitu Slovenije.

Project vehicle in beaver outfit

Illustrator Jurij Mikuletič and designer Zvone Kosovelj joined forces which resulted in the creation of flood land forest which, under the printing machinery of print shop TKBM d.o.o., overgrew the vehicle.

The logo is the work of Zvone Kosovelj. To ease the communication with the target groups, the logo is also prepared in Croatian and Slovenian language.

LIFE with the beaver, wetlands and climate change

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