We have already installed the seventh beaver-deceiver, this time on the Podturnščica watercourse in the Obrh pri Dragatuš settlement, Črnomelj municipality. The owner of the nearby agricultural land previously explained to us that the cultivation of the land is often difficult due to the high groundwater level.
We used two sewage pipes, 7.5 m long and 315 mm wide. An 80 cm high iron cage was installed on one side of the pipe, which prevents the pipe from clogging. We first made a small hole in the dam by hand, so that the water level dropped a little. The pipes were then inserted into the dam, and an iron cage was attached to the bottom of the riverbed to keep it submerged. At the end, we manually covered the pipes with branches and mud, so that the dam resembled its original state.
We hope that the beaver-deceiver will enable undisturbed cultivation of agricultural land, while at the same time providing the beaver with an adequate habitat.
The beaver-deceiver was installed with the prior permission of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning.