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On Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, there was a press conference in Škofja Loka. Experts from different spatial planning fields presented their views on future water management.

On the same day, the media were also sent the so-called “Anti-flood letter” with detailed and reasoned proposals for improving water management in the future. In the letter, we as biologists emphasized the importance of water conservation and the protection of nature and biodiversity as our key allies in adapting to climate change. Water management must also include nature-based solutions, and the key is the mutual cooperation of local communities, experts from different fields and spatial managers.

The document was signed by dozens of experts from various fields and representatives of non-governmental and public organizations. Among the content preparers and signatories are water managers, civil engineers, biologists and nature conservationists.

The content of the letter is available HERE, and the detailed explanations of individual points can be found at this LINK.

We also attach a summary of the conference by the Slovenian Society for Water Protection and RTVSLO:

Javni poziv o obnovi po poplavah – 13. september 2023

And a summary of the conference on RTVSLO:

LIFE with the beaver, wetlands and climate change

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